Monday, June 24, 2013

39(S3E13)- Sometimes, Love is Throwing Her Out a WIndow

Episode 39

(Season 3, Episode 13)

Sometimes, Love is Throwing Her Out a Window

Afghanistan… Before


Stone heard the word spoken through the headset on his ear right before the hard slapping noise and then the loud feedback.

He cursed under his breath.  The plan had been simple, use this hut and Stone for bait while Rockwell dropped them all at a distance.  They were down to four, which would have been a cake walk for Rockwell.

One of them, probably Shaky, had gotten wise and tracked Rockwell’s location.  Stone was officially on his own.  He did some mental math and decided that currently, there were three of them about to enter, the forth had to be dealing with Rockwell right now.

They would toss a couple of grenades in through the windows to disorient them and then they would come in the front door.  Stone had to hope they would use flash bangs, and not gas.  While flash bangs were awful and disorienting due to the bright phosphorescence and the loud deafening shockwave, tear gas was worse.  Its title was a complete understatement.  Yes, it did make you tear up, but anyone would tear up while their lungs and stomach spasmed uncontrollably wrenching their entire body in pain.

Stone backed himself into a corner, reloading his M-16 carbine and leveling it at the door.


Roman Estate… Now

Mikey’s car pulled up the long drive to the Roman’s estate; Joe in the front and Macklin in the back, as usual.  Mikey would just be happy to get this job over with.  Macklin had turned out to be more than a little insane.  Every minute lowered Mike’s survival rate.

Mikey’s hopes of a clean and easy last job dwindled and died at the site of the two back S.U.V’s in the driveway ahead of them and the profanity scrawled over the front door.  He felt as though he had walked directly into some low budget slasher film.

“This don’t look good.”  Joe said and Mikey had to agree.

They pulled to a stop and out stepped Macklin, whose clever eyes watched everything.  He drank in the scene and tried to sum it up in his head.

Just then, they heard more gunshots from inside.  It continued for almost a minute, an eternity for a gun battle, then silence followed.  Mikey had his .38 in this hand instantly.  He liked the classic revolvers in place of the big automatics.

Joe’s gun was in his hand too, a large .45.  “What the hell is going on in there?”


“Nothin’ anymore, I’d wager.”  Macklin spoke suddenly, his cockney accent making him hard as ever to understand.  They approached the front door and noticed the body.

A middle aged white man of good health, dressed in loose jeans and a tee shirt with a tweed sport coat lay on the front steps pointed away from the door.  Blood was everywhere having rushed out of his abdomen.  Mickey turned and looked into the house.  Just beyond the arch of the door sat a chair, a double barreled sawed off shotgun that looked old enough to have been used in the Civil War, sat pointing out.  Mickey new instantly what had happened.

“Trap door.”  Macklin muttered, beating him to the punch.

“Huh?” Joe said, less quick on the uptake.

Mickey answered his question.  “He had the shotgun rigged to the door, probably with some wire or rope.  The first guy through the door took a double blast to the chest.”

“Poor bastard.”  Joe muttered, looking down at the dead man.


Afghanistan… Before

The grenade came in the window and hit the floor.  Stone jammed his fingers in his ears and closed his eyes tightly.  If it was a flash bang, this would lessen the effects on him.  If it was tear gas, the men would find him puking his stomach out in the fetal position and it wouldn’t matter anyway.

The grenade detonated and his vision was filled with white light, even with them closed.  The detonation rattled the bones in his spine and sucked the wind out of him.  Everything on his body hurt at once and for a second, all we could think about doing was collapsing and resting.

He didn’t, however.  As the door kicked open, he mustered his strength, pulled the M-16 up to his chest and fired at the door, a long sustained burst.

The ringing in his ears made the gun fire only noticeable due to the kick against his shoulder and the flash on the muzzle barrel.

The first guy through the door was caught in the burst and twisted as red mist exploded from his body. As he hit the floor, Stone was pulling himself to his feet and twisting as the back door was kicked down and the second guy rushed in.  Stone pulled the trigger again and his remaining clip emptied into the attacker who fell back against the doorway.

The last attacker came in with his weapon up.  Stone had no time to reload.  He dove across the room as the machine gun bullets tore at the inside of the hut.  Stone drew his side arm and fired…


Roman Estate… Now

Reno was a good killer. Most other things in life, however, he was not so good at.  He had never been good with women, given his size and general ugliness, but he was strong.  After being so unsuccessful for so long, his carnal animal needs had taken over and he had started just taking what he wanted from the presumed weaker sex.

After realizing just how easy it was with his training and natural strength, he started doing it more and more.  This addiction had landed him in trouble with the law more than once.  Nevertheless, he always managed to get himself out of trouble with his connections and his back savings of money.

So, when the villain asked him to take care of the girl, Reno had almost laughed.  His old friend had given him a bonus and he didn’t even know it.  Reno had never before committed rape on the job, but he had never made a rule against it.  The opportunity had just never presented itself, like today.

Reno crept into the room with the girl.  It was some kind of large showing room for Civil War memorabilia.  The girl was wearing just a pair of panties and a white tank top, her bare feet were covered in blood.  The bodies of the other contractors lay strewn across the floor.  The girl seemed bothered by none of this, as she was moving back and forth between the bodies trying to pick out one of the guns to take.

 It was in this moment that Reno had a fleeting reservation about his next act.  Some small voice said to just kill her now, that this one was different.  That same voice had advised against his previous acts though, and Reno had never listened before, so why start now.

She seemed to decide on one of the dead men’s guns, an MP-5.  A small submachine gun with a banana clip and a front hand grip. 

Reno decided to make his move.  He reached out with his free hand and grabbed the girl’s hair, fluidly bringing up his other hand to place the gun to her temple.  She froze when the steel touched her milky skin.

“Drop it.” He ordered in a whisper.

She did as she was told like the good little bitch that she was.  Then again, they were all good little bitches with a gun to their heads.

The minute she dropped the gun, he put his into the back of his pants and shoved her forward into one of the broken display cases.  He bent her over and tore at her panties.  Reno was now consumed with the need to get inside the young girl to make her his.

It was this need that made Reno ignore the fact that she didn’t scream when shoved into the broken glass of the display table.  It was also this need which kept him from noticing the large piece of glass that she wrapped her fingers around.

So, when Reno took his hands off her to undo his pants, the girl turned and, with perfect accuracy, buried the glass deep into his neck.

He tried to scream but found only a gurgle.  He reached for his gun as he stared into her cold dead eyes.

Reno found his reckoning.


Afghanistan… Before

He stood for a second, his eyes filled with shock and surprise and then he fell backward.  Stone didn’t move, taking deep breaths to settle himself, trying to will his hearing to work again.  He then slowly pulled himself to his feet, he reminded himself that there was still one out there.  Shaky.

Almost on cue, Shaky walked in the back door, Rockwell in front of him like a shield.  Shaky’s sidearm was to Rockwell’s head.

Stone brought up his own weapon, but didn’t shoot.  “Since when do you take hostages?”

“I don’t, I’m going to kill both of you.  I just want to make sure you assholes die together.”  Shaky said, angrily.

“Yeah right, you kill him, I kill you.  You kill me, he kills you.”  Stone laid out the situation.

Shaky laughed.  “What a joke.  Your little pet psycho may be useful with a rifle, but that’s all he’s got going for him.”

“I’m in the room, fucker!” Rockwell said, feeling left out of the standoff.

Shaky ignored him.  “I’m going to blow your head off, then I’m going to kill this crazy asshole.  Then I’m going to take the gold you tried to take.”

“That gold will by a lot of man-ass,” Rockwell quipped.

Shaky continued to ignore him and Stone lowered his gun and smiled.  It was all so funny and so stupid.

“You giving up?  That is funny.”  Shaky said, trying to mask his confusion.

Stone had very few moments of pure clarity in his life and in all honesty, he liked it that way.  He had spent his life fighting and the constant fighting kept him from pondering the worst parts of life; death, morality, pets.  The madness he surrounded himself with was not an accident.  Even so, it was impossible to completely shield himself from moments of perfect understanding.  It came to him now in a wave of pain and he saw just how stupid this was.

A bunch of terrible people in a foreign country killing each other over someone else’s gold.  Gold which they had no way of smuggling out of the country, anyway.

“Just so damn stupid.”  Stone muttered.

Shaky was confused by this, but Rockwell gave a big toothy grin.  “I know, isn’t it great?!”

The question was rhetorical as Rockwell made his legs into rubber and put his left palm over the barrel of the gun as he did.  The gun went off and blew out Rockwell’s palm as he fell, but he managed to divert the bullet away from his body.

As Rockwell fell, Stone’s moment of clarity went with him and all that remained was the fight.  Stone brought up his sidearm and put two bullets into Shaky’s face.  The back of his head exploded, sending blood and brain matter back out the door in which he had come.

Just like that, it was over.  No drama, no twist, and just one last dead body.


Roman Estate… Now

Rockwell stared at the scar on his palm from all those years ago with Shaky and he waited for the mystery man to enter the door.

Rockwell checked the Scolfield.  He had one bullet left.  He almost regretted not picking up a gun from the dead men in the show room down the hall but this did make it more interesting.  The door to the office kicked open and Rockwell swung to fire but he was too late.  He heard the shot and felt the sting in his right shoulder.

“Mother fucker!” Rockwell yelled and dropped the gun.

“Damn Rockwell.”  Naplam came into the dim light of the office.  “You have slipped.”

Rockwell chuckled.  “Napalm?  You have got to be fucking me.  I knew it wasn’t Shaky, but you?”

Naplam stepped into the room further.  He was wearing black cargo pants and a black jacket.  He was lean and still fit, but he was firing the gun with his left hand.  That’s when Rockwell noticed the hook were his right hand should be.

Naplam nodded at Rockwell’s new shoulder wound.  “I just made it even.”
Rockwell stood to face him.  “I put a high powered rifle bullet through your chest.”
Naplam shook his head.  “Correction, you put a bullet through the M-16 I had in front of me.  The bullet diverted and took my hand.”
Rockwell shook his head.  “You would have bled out.”
Naplam smiled.  “You would be surprised what a belt and a whole lot of hate can get you through.”
Most wouldn’t have accepted that answer.  Rockwell did.  It made perfect sense to him.
“So, it was never Shaky, and no one hired you to take out the senator?”  Rockwell asked, knowing the answer.
Naplam smiled.  “No, I knew that if the senator knew Shaky was after him, and I leaked the right information to him about Rattlesnake, he would find you.  Then we could finish it.”
Rockwell smiled.  He was on cloud nine.  “I’m sorry, Napalm.”
Naplam was confused.  “I think it’s a little late for that.”
Rockwell shook his head.  “Not for the hand, for thinking you were just Shaky’s bitch.  You are so much more exceptional than that.”
 Naplam nodded and walked over to stand next to the desk.  He placed his gun on the desk.  “Let’s finish this dramatically.  We seem to share a flare for that.  First to get to the gun wins.”
Two gun shots sounded from down the hall and both turned for a second.  Naplam smiled.  “That would be my man Reno taking care of the girl.  Hope she wasn’t important to you.”
Rockwell darkened and Stone was suddenly next to him.  “I warned you, buddy.”
Rockwell turned back to Napalm and moved for the gun.
Napalm had no interest in the gun and left hooked him across the face.  The blow broke Rockwell’s lip and staggered him.  His fedora fell from his head to the floor.  Rockwell tried to back fist but Napalm was too fast and he trapped the arm with his left and brought the hook into Rockwell’s forearm.  Rockwell screamed in pain.
Napalm kicked Rockwell to the stomach then used his left hand to drive Rockwell’s face into the sturdy oak of the desk.  Rockwell’s nose broke and Rockwell slid to the floor, the fight draining out of him. Naplam calmly picked up the gun and pointed at Rockwell.
“That’s it, buddy.  Without Stone, you are just a whole lot of crazy.” Napalm said victoriously.
Rockwell then caught a sight out of his peripherals and grinned through the blood from his nose and lips.  “Well, there was one thing I had that Stone never did.”
Naplam decided to humor the mad man.  “Okay, I’ll bite.  What?”
“Good taste in women.”
Napalm heard the racking of the slide on an MP-5 and turned to see the strange small pale woman in ripped panties and a tank top.  Her feet, legs and right arm were covered in other people’s blood and she was holding a mean looking sub-machine gun.
Naplam turned to fire but Maude held the trigger down and emptied the gun into Napalm.  The last thing he heard was the laughter.
Rockwell and Maude laughed loud and in harmony.  It would haunt Napalm for the rest of his life, all 2.3 seconds of it.
Maude dropped the gun and walked over to Rockwell as Rockwell pulled himself to his feet.  Maude reached to kiss him but Rockwell stopped her with a finger.  Rockwell then bent over and picked up his fedora, now soaked in the blood of Napalm.  He put it on his head and turned back to her.
“Never kiss a girl without it.”  He said, then then two kissed deeply, drinking in the madness that they shared.
“OY!” The hard cocky voice woke them both up.  They turned to see Macklin, Joe and Mikey.  Mikey and Joe had guns raised.
Rockwell took a deep breath.  “You look different.”
“I am different, mate.”  Macklin said with a smile.
“We have business, I’m guessing?” Rockwell asked.
“That we do, mate.” Macklin said again, calmly.
Rockwell nodded then turned to Maude and whispered in her ear.  “Jim Creegan, Patti O’ Shaughnessy”
Maude looked at him confused as Rockwell seemed to move her backward around the desk.
Rockwell then stopped, smiled and kicked her in the chest backward through the window he had positioned behind her, sending her spinning down three stories into the crazed swirling waters below. Rockwell grinned as he watched the woman hit the waters and vanish.  She never screamed.
If the fall did kill her, he thought it would be fitting, her crashing into the madness of the river that mirrored her.
That mirrored him.
“Well that was interesting,” Macklin said, having watched the strange spectacle.
Rockwell turned and shrugged.  “Love can be weird that way.”
Macklin smiled.  “I can understand that.”
Rockwell grinned.  “Yes, I believe you do.  Now, can we get on with this shit?”
Macklin smiled and nodded.  “Oh yes.  Yes we can.”

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