Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Season 2 Preview

Season 2



The gnarled voice of Tom Waits played on the small counter-top stereo in the large kitchen.  Patty had a hard time making out what he was saying but she knew it had to do with cold water. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNqRqF1E0fc) The music was painful but gave the pain a voice.  Patty slowly leaned forward in the kitchen table chair where she was sitting.  As she did this, she pulled the ice pack off her swollen and bruised face.  In the last hour she had been sitting here it had grown to be room temperature and had ceased to serve its purpose.

She slowly leaned over the kitchen table dropping the bag and picking up the half empty bottle of Don’s good whiskey.  She poured herself another glass.  She should be drunk after all that she had consumed in the last hour but her aching head and body kept her grounded in soberness.

“Do you know how much that cost me?”  Patty slowly turned to see Donald Carter entering the room from the basement stairs.

He was a short man standing five feet, seven inches, tops.  Don was in his fifties at least and always seemed to walk hunched.  He had white hair and a big, super thick set of glasses which he always seemed to be looking over the top of like a grandfather would.

“You owe me, Doc.” Patty’s accent was heavy but her speech was slow and garbled because of the damage to her face.

Don nodded as he continued to towel his hands off.  “Yeah, I owe you and that’s why I took the bullet out of your friend’s chest.  The bottle of liquor is not included.”

Patty gave Don a hard look as he sat down across from her.  “He ain’t no friend of mine.”

Don leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms.  “So you dragged this guy all the way here in your condition and he’s not your friend?”

Patty hit the drink hard.  She groaned with the burn and felt her pain dull with the effects.  “He’s the one that put me in this condition.”

“Well that’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard,” Don said as waved a hand in the air. Don did that… talked with his hands a lot.

“Is he going to make it?” Patty asked, ignoring the insult.

Don shrugged.  “Fifty-fifty.  I pulled the bullet out, stopped the bleeding and sewed up what I could.  But since I was doing it in my basement, I was limited with the equipment, so I can’t be sure I got it all.  He lost a lot of blood.”

Patty nodded.  “He’ll wake up.  You don’t take me down and not wake up.”

Don shook his head, curiosity getting the better of him.  “What the fuck are you doing Patty?  You look like a truck rolled over you and you tell me the guy I just saved, the guy you saved, is the one that did it to you?”

Patty locked eyes with Don.  “Elmo and I are done.”

Don had had his own run in with The Muppet and it had cost him his livelihood. “You crossed the Muppet?”

Patty shook her head.  “No, he crossed me.”

“Will you stop with the crazy talk?  You can’t go against Elmo Kincaid alone!”  Don pleaded to Patty’s sense of reason.

She didn’t have one.

“You’re right, I brought my backup.  He’s downstairs on the operating table.”  Patty responded.

Don scoffed.  “You two?  To half-dead toughs are going to bring down Elmo Kincaid?”

Patty slammed the glass onto the table creating a loud bang which made Don jump a little in his seat.

“We ain’t going to bring him down.  It’s well past that now.”  Patty looked Don right in the eye as she finished.

“We are going to kill the Muppet.”

The Mofos

Season 2

Kill the Muppet

The Mofos return


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