Wednesday, November 9, 2011

18(S2E5)- The Wrong way to die


(Season 2 Episode 5)

The Wrong Way to Die

The door exploded open and Terrance screamed.  “Get them up, mother fuckers!!!”

He was followed by his three brothers in arms, James, Leonard and Damien.  All of them held Uzis and were ready for war.

Earlier that day, The Muppet had called Terrance and told him to round up a crew.  He had informed him that he needed to go to the penthouse of the Ritz and kill everyone there.  When The Muppet says jump, you jump.

Terrance didn’t mind, however, being a small time pusher had its perks but the fun was in the killing.  Selling junk to junkies and haggling over prices was fine but at the end of the day, there was no rush like shooting someone.

“What the fuck, T?!” James asked as he lowered his gun.  “There ain’t nobody here, dawg.”

Sadly, this seemed to be true.  The penthouse was completely empty.

“Naw, the lights are on.  Somebody’s here,” Leonard chimed in.

Terrance nodded.  “Good call, Leonard.  Lets sweep this bitch, room by room.”

Leonard became frustrated.  “Yo man, that’s not my name.”

James rolled his eyes.  “Oh Jesus, not this shit again.”

Leonard’s angry eyes shifted back and forth between Terrance and James.  “No, fuck you both.  My name is Lion.”

Terrance shook his head.  “First off, your name is Leonard.  FUCKING LEONARD! Second off, why the fuck would you want to be called Lion?”

Leonard pointed with his gun when he talked.  “You know I want to be respected.  Ain’t nobody gonna respect a guy named Leonard.”

“You think the name Lion gets you street cred?!” James broke in with wide eyes.

A sultry female voice suddenly interrupted them.  “Out here, guys.”

The four of them jerked into ready position, guns up and cocked to the side.  Terrence was the biggest.  He was wearing a wife beater and had a sleeve of tattoos covering his arm.  James was large but in a rounder way, and Leonard was thin and small and very light skinned for a black man.  Damien was average and quiet and Terrance had always kind of, been afraid of him.

“Seriously, guys.  I know you are here for me and I’m out here.”  The voice called out a second time.

It was coming from across the room and outside on the very large balcony. Terrance nodded to the others and walked across the room, cautiously with his gun up and ready.  The other three followed him.

Outside on the balcony they were confronted with the last thing they were expecting.

Lying in the afternoon sun was a curvaceous, crimson-haired, white woman.  She was wearing nothing but a hotel robe and a smile.

She was shaved… everywhere.

“Damn.” James let the word linger.

“Fucking hell, girl.”  Terrance began as he lowered his gun.  “What the hell are you doing out here?”

“Sunbathing.”  She said.  Her grin was playful.  “It is my room, after all.”

A ping of regret hit Terrance.  “Well, that is just too damn bad.”

She mocked a frown.  “Why’s that?”

Terrance chuckled.  “What girl, you think we carrying these guns with us for show?”

“Would it be racist if said yes?” She asked, sarcastically.

Terrance smiled.  He liked them playful.  “Look baby, we are here to kill you and everyone else in this place.”

Oddly the woman did not show any fear, instead she remained playfully flirtatious.  “Well, that just ruins my day.”

Terrance stepped in closer, wanting to dive into her ivory skin.  “Well, as I see it, you can die the right way or the wrong way.  This doesn’t have to be all bad.”

She sat up and looked.  “Well, in that case, I only have one question.”

“What’s that, girl?” Terrance asked with a smile and a nod of his chin.

“Weren’t there four of you a minute ago?” She asked.

Terrance became confused.  “Of course, baby there are…”

He trailed off when he turned and saw that Damien was gone.  He looked at both Leonard and James questioningly but they were both still staring at the woman.

“Where the fuck did Damien go?” Terrance asked them and neither responded.

Terrance slapped James hard across the mouth.  “Wake up mother fuckers.  I asked you a question!”

They snapped out of the hypnotic spell and looked around.  “He was right behind us a second ago.”

They heard a crash from inside the penthouse.

Terrance dropped the flirty outlook, turning back toward the woman.  “Don’t move.”

She smiled back.  “Where am I going to go?  I’m on the penthouse balcony.”

Terrance gave her a hard look then turned his attention back to the room.  Coming around the corner, his eyes exploded open.  Damien was dead.

He was laid out over the expensive coffee table in the middle of the main sitting room. His throat was covered in blood and his eyes were wide and staring at the ceiling.

“What the fuck!”  Leonard yelled.

James vomited into the corner.

Terrance took a deep breath and walked quickly to his dead friend.  “What the fuck is going on?”

Leonard walked over, wide-eyed to Damien’s freshly dead body.  “Let’s just kill the bitch and get out of here.”

“Aww come on, guys.”  The woman was standing in the doorway now, smiling.  “I thought you were going to kill me the right way.”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP, BITCH!” Terrance screamed and pointed the Uzi at her.

 James staggered toward the rest of them.  “Oh my God.”  He said and then puked again.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, her sexy voice laden with intent.  “You don’t want to play anymore?”

Leonard’s blood exploded all over Terrance’s face.

“What the fuck?!” Terrance screamed.

Behind Leonard stood the largest black man Terrance had ever seen.  He stood six foot seven, and was built like a house.  His head was clean shaven.  One of his massive ebony hands was wrapped around Leonard’s mouth, the other held the giant bowie knife the he had rammed into the back of the base of Leonard’s neck and driven out the front of his throat.

Where had such a big man come from?  How had he moved so fast?

Terrance had no time to move.  The specter kicked Leonard’s, now lifeless body, into Terrance, sending him toppling backward over the coffee table and Damien’s body.

“James!  Shoot him James!” Terrance screamed as he fell backwards.

“What?” James asked, dazed and half covered in his own vomit.

The killer was already on him and, as he turned back from his puking, the man drove his huge knife upwards into the bottom of his jaw, piercing the roof of his mouth and stopping in James’ brain.

Terrance scrambled to get to his feet and out from under his dead friends.  He finally freed himself and stood, pulling the Uzi up with him.

He wasn’t fast enough.

The attacker’s eyes were empty, black holes; devoid of life.

He was death.

The killer grabbed Terrance’s outstretched gun arm by the wrist and twisted it, forcing Terrance’s elbow to point upwards.  The attacker then brought the knife, stabbing vertically through Terrance’s elbow, impaling it.

Terrance screamed in pain and the attacker quickly elbowed him in the mouth. Terrance saw stars and fell backward to the couch.  By the time his vision un-blurred, a second later, he saw the large and deadly knife coming down at his face.

That was the last thing Terrance ever saw.


Clay drove his knife into the gang bangers head by way of the eye.  He felt the body go limp.  He took a deep breath and pulled the knife out before standing upright.  Clay was dressed in black jeans and a black button up shirt.

He had always found that it was harder to see blood stains on black.

“Mmmm, Clay.”  Maggie cooed from the doorway to the balcony. “That was just, downright sexy.”

Clay turned to her and raised an eyebrow.  She was still standing, basically naked.  Her robe was barely falling over her tits.

“Your view of sexy is somewhat askew, if you don’t mind me saying.”  Clay spoke with a deep resounding voice and perfect elocution.

Maggie tugged at the side of her robe as if to bate Clay, intimately.  “I should tell you Clay, if you wanted it you could have it.”

“Thank you, but no thank you, ma’am.  I have work to do.” Clay gestured to the bodies on the floor and the process of getting rid of them.

Maggie frowned.  “They aren’t going anywhere.  Why don’t you claim your reward?”

“My reward is the generous sum of money you are paying me, and with all due respect ma’am,” Clay looked over Maggie.  “I believe it would be safer to be fellated by a cobra.”

Maggie shrugged, “Suit yourself.  I’m going to go call The Muppet and remind him that I own him.”

Clay nodded as she picked up her cell from the table and stepped back out onto the balcony.  He then looked around at the dead bodies… time to get to work.

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