Wednesday, November 30, 2011

21(S2E8)-Rock & Roll


(Season 2 Episode 8)

Rock & Roll

“You think he’s going to help us?” Patty asked with her heavy accent as she and Creegan ate the sandwiches they had made for dinner.

Creegan stared at her unable to comprehend what she had said.

Patty rolled her eyes, “Rockwell… do you think he will help us?”

Jim put it together, “Oh, it didn’t look good. He wants us both dead, me in particular.”

Patty shrugged, “Screw him then, we do it ourselves.”

Creegan gave her a dirty look, “These people have guns and numbers. We can’t just punch our way out of this.”

“I’m sick of waiting!” Patty yelled at him, “We need to do something.”

“You need to get out of my house,” Don walked into his large, expansive kitchen.  “You two have been squatting long enough.”

Patty frowned at the old, pear-shaped doctor.  “We just need a couple more days.”

The doctor shook his head.  “Well, you don’t have a couple more days.  The Rodriguez   brothers are in town and they are here because they are sick of being jerked around with all this.  So, it’s time for you to stop eating my sandwiches and get the fuck out.”

Patty nodded unhappily. “All right Don, we’ll be out tomorrow.”

Creegan stopped eating.  “The brothers are here in Cleveland?”

Patty looked at Creegan, confused by his interest.  The Don nodded.  “I got a friend who still does medical work for Elmo and the brothers paid him a visit last night.”

Creegan grinned, “Now that is something.”

The front doorbell rang and Don grumbled before plodding off to get it.  “Now who the hell is that?”

Patty’s eyes never left Creegan. “What?”

Creegan looked at her. “If the Rodrigeuz brothers are here, it’s because they don’t think he has the flash drive anymore. They are here to get it and put him out of business.”

Patty shrugged, “So?”

Creegan took another bite, chewed and swallowed.  “So, we tell him we have the drive and we can force him out into the open.”

The conversation was ended by the thunderous boom.


She woke up freezing.

Blasted Cleveland, the librarian thought as she realized the temperature had dropped almost 20 degrees in the course of four or five hours. She pulled a long-sleeve, cotton, open shirt-like thing over her arms and got out of her rental car.  She walked around back and opened her trunk.

She found her vest and slipped it on, fastening the Velcro straps that secured it. She then picked up the weapon she had chosen; a modified Saiga-12.

The Saiga-12 was a Russian automatic shotgun. It had been modified to be smaller and easier for a woman of her frame to use. Being a shotgun, it was good for breaching situations and multiple targets, which had been the reason she had selected it for this task.

She placed a box magazine of ten shells in the gun and secured it. She then picked up a two more clips and placed them in the packets on her vest.  

She cocked the gun and chambered the first shell.

She then calmly walked down the Shaker Heights street in the night.  No one came out or saw the heavily armed female death-machine approach Don’s house.

She rang the door bell.

She waited for a little bit and then heard the door lock begin to click open.

The Librarian shouldered the weapon, aimed it at the door handle and fired.

The gun kicked against her shoulder, the door handle exploded. She heard a scream from inside before she put her foot over the threshold. It swung open and an old pudgy man was on the floor, bleeding from his destroyed hand.

She took aim and fired.  Don’s head ceased to exist.

“No!” The Librarian looked up and saw Patty screaming at her.

She brought the gun up to take her first target. Creegan suddenly appeared around the corner and grabbed Patty, dragging her backward into the kitchen.

The Librarian pushed forward, firing two quick shots as she approached. The shells struck the doorway to the kitchen and wood splintered into the hallway.

She had them cornered.


Creegan heard the shot and knew they had been found.

He was out of his seat a second later. He heard the second shot and Patty scream. Creegan saw the strange female assassin at the end of the hall inside the doorway, standing over what used to be Don.

She brought her gun up and Creegan grabbed Patty, dragging her backward into the kitchen as the shotgun boomed two more times.

Creegan dragged Patty behind the center cooking island, putting it between them and the killer.

“We have to go!” Creegan yelled at a slightly distraught Patty.

She nodded and they moved low along the island toward the back door.  Patty reached for the door and another boom echoed through the kitchen. The door splintered and Patty reeled backward in reaction to the shot.

Creegan knew it was now or never. He exploded forward, tackling Patty through the door.  Their combined weight splintered the door. He heard two more booms and could only hope the shots didn’t hit them as they crashed onto the wooden deck.

“Now that was fucking entertaining,” Creegan heard a voice say above him.

He looked up and saw him standing there in his Hawaiian shirt and a fedora and… What the hell was he holding?


“A Tommy Gun?” Stone gawked from next to Rockwell as he pulled it out of the trunk of the stolen car. “How the fuck did you get one of those?  There’re like four in existence.”

Rockwell wiggled his eyebrow. “Jealous? I have my ways.”

“Does the thing still shoot?” Stone asked about the very old gun.

Rockwell looked hurt. “Don’t talk about Bonnie that way! She will work, and I have always wanted to use her, but somebody has a thing against overkill.”

Stone shrugged, “Fat lot of good that did me.”

The booms in the distance started and Rockwell smiled. “Time to rock and roll.”


“Rockwell?” Creegan asked, confused.

“The one and fucking only.” He responded with a smile.

Creegan’s eyes went to the large drum feed machine gun dangling at his right side, “Are you going to kill us?”

Rockwell shrugged, “Undecided… but not till after the Muppet’s dead.  You made a good case.”

The Librarian came around the island and into the doorway.

“Hold on,” Rockwell said as he whipped the Tommy gun up and watched the Librarian’s eyes bulge.

“What’s up, bitch?!” Rockwell yelled as he held down the trigger and the ancient weapon began to fire, round after round.

The Librarian drove back into the kitchen as the forty-five caliber machine gun rounds tore the door frame and the corner of the center island to shreds.

He let off the trigger with a “Woo,” then looked down at Creegan.  “There’s a car out front, I’ll be with you in a minute.”

Creegan looked at him confused. “Are you going in after her?”

Rockwell looked suspicious. “Is that a trick question?”

Creegan decided it was best to let Rockwell do what he had to do. “Be careful, she’s got a vest on.”

Rockwell frowned. “A vest?”

Creegan nodded as he and Patty stood and moved off the deck to circle the house for the car.

Rockwell shouldered the Tommy Gun and went in after her.  “Only pussies wear vests.”

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