Tuesday, November 22, 2011

20(S2E7)-Hell Breaks Loose


(Season 2 Episode 7)

Hell Breaks Loose

“So, what are you going to do?” Stone asked from his corner of the room.

Rockwell’s last visitor, Jim Creegan, had given him a lot to think about.  Although Rockwell had told him to fuck off, the seed had been planted.

The door slide made that metallic sliding noise and two orderlies entered the room.  One was carrying a straight jacket.  “1314, you are being released into general populace today.  You need to put this on.”

Rockwell ignored the orderly.  “I don’t know, I have always wanted to kill the Muppet and, in the end, Creegan isn’t the reason you’re dead.  Maybe I can find out who is.”

The second orderly looked at the one holding the straight jacket.  “Who’s he talking to?”

The orderly holding the jacket shrugged.  “We work in a mental hospital.  Who knows who he’s talking to.”

Stone looked surprised.  “That’s interesting.  Didn’t figure you for the vengeance type.”

“I’m not,” Rockwell answered.  “But I think it’s time I get back in the game.”

“Alright, 1314.  Enough with the talking to yourself.”  The head orderly interrupted, “Time to put this on.”

Rockwell growled at him then stood and put his arms out.  “I just have one little problem.”

“What’s that?” Stone asked as the orderly approached him to begin putting the jacket on him.

“Well,” Rockwell began as the orderly shipped the sleeves over Rockwell’s outstretched arms.  “Breaking out, I mean I was always a shooter.  You were the fighter. I don’t have any guns here.”

The assistant orderly circled to Rockwell’s right, uneasily.  “Seriously man, he is starting to freak me out.”

 The head orderly turned toward his assistant.  “It’s just talk.  Chill out.”

“First off, you’re not that great a shooter.”  Stone said calmly in response, “Second, you were trained at the same place I was.”

“He’s talking about breaking out.”  The assistant responded worried.  “Doesn’t that bother you?”

“They all talk about breaking out.”  The head orderly said.

“Your point?” Rockwell asked Stone.

“Maybe you’re not the best fighter in the world but you’re a trained killer.”  Stone answered.  “Where do you think these guys were trained?”

Rockwell began to grin.  “Fucking,Tri-C.”

Rockwell suddenly threw his head forward with a snap, bashing his forehead into to nose of the head orderly.  The head butt was comparable to the force of a fastball hitting him in the nose.  The orderly’s nose shattered and he fell in the opposite direction, crashing to the ground.

“Holy shit!” The assistant had time to yell before Rockwell turned and leveled a front kick to his solar-plexus, sending the assistant backward into the wall and gasping for air.

“That was sloppy.”  Stone said criticizing the kick.

“Fuck you, worm food.”  Rockwell responded, pulling the unhooked straight jacket off, throwing it to the floor.

The head orderly was incapacitated and probably dead, his nose bleeding profusely. The assistant had fallen to all fours, and between gasping for breaths, he was praying.

Rockwell calmly walked over and crouched in front of him.  “You know the stories about me, right?”

The assistant stared at him with fear in his eyes and nodded.

Rockwell smiled.  “Good.  That saves me fucking time.  See, now that you know, I don’t have to explain what I can do to you, then watch you not believe me and have to prove what I can do.  With your admission of understanding, it cuts through all that fucking red tape, torture bullshit and gets right to the heart of the matter.”

“I am your fucking God.”

The assistant began to whimper.

“What I want, you give.”

Tears rolled down the assistants face.

“What you don’t give, I take.”

The assistant lost bladder control.

“Understood?” Rockwell asked.

The orderly nodded.

“Good,” Rockwell smiled.  “So, what kind of car do you drive?”


“A little over the top.”  Stone said as they stepped out of the car.

Rockwell slammed the door shut.  “What was?”

They stood in a large rented storage place.  Each unit had a number and a locked sliding metal door to keep everyone out.

“That ‘I am God’ thing with the orderly.”  Stone said as the two walked away from the car.

“It’s called fucking showmanship, asshole.  I always had it and you didn’t.” Rockwell said as he counted the numbers on each unit they passed, looking for one specific one.

“That right?” Stone responded coldly.

“Damn straight.”  Rockwell said, stopping in front of unit 1134.  “That’s why you needed me, mother fucker.”

“Yes, I needed you,” Stone said sarcastically.  “I can think of so many times that showmanship saved our lives.”

Rockwell unlocked the pad lock with a paper clip, having lost the key a long time ago. He grabbed the handle and pulled the unit open.

“Jesus, Rockwell.”  Stone said with wide eyes as he looked in at the guns of all shapes and sizes lining the walls of the small ten by ten storage unit.  All the guns were different, like some kind of twisted collection of hard to find extremely dangerous weapons.

Rockwell’s teeth showed as he smiled ear to ear.  “Meet my ladies, Stone.  Now, that is fucking showmanship.”


She watched him enter.

Two blocks down, she watched with binoculars as he walked up the street, looked both ways, then walked up the drive and into the house.

Seeing him had been a bonus.

She had tracked Patty from the events at the hospital.  She had acquired the crime scene photos as well as the file on the now-famous day, through a source and had studied them furiously.

The three she had been hired to execute had all been there that day, and although it was impossible to know the exact details of what had transpired, it was easy enough to infer.

Her first target had been Patty, deciding to save Rockwell for last since it would be the biggest challenge.  After all, she would have to break into a mental hospital to get to him.  Creegan would be the second most difficult, since he wasn’t in the crime scene data and she only knew he had been there because of her employer’s assurance.

Then there was Patty.  She also wasn’t in the file, but Elmo had told her of Patty’s involvement.  After reading the file and the large amount of unmatched blood found in random and strange locations around the hospital, she could infer that Patty had been injured.

Patty would have needed treatment, and she would have been unable to go to a hospital for fear of the police or Kincaid.  That left her to seek help through illegal channels. After some digging, she had found the house of the doctor.

The rest was academic.

Seeing Creegan had been a pleasant surprise.  Creegan and Patty had somehow linked up and were working together?  Maybe they just both knew the same illegal doctor?  The reason didn’t matter, only the outcome.

She could kill them both tonight.

The Librarian put down the binoculars and walked back to her car.

She got in and reclined her seat, deciding to get a couple of hours of sleep before night fall.
She had a busy night ahead of her.

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